Fiber-type Profiles of the Locomotor Muscles of Arctic Seals

We have determined the percentages and sizes of the fast- and slow-twitch fibers in the locomotor muscles of three species of Arctic seals (bearded, ringed, and spotted) and are now in the process of preparing a manuscript for submission to the Journal of Comparative Physiology B in collaboration with Mariah Tengler, Anna Bryan (Alaska Department of Fish and Game), Colleen Reichmuth, and Nicole Thometz.

Students who worked on this project:

  • Lindsey Barrett

  • McKenzie Fletcher

  • Vaneeza Mukhtar

  • Sundus Nazar


Image of the locomotor muscle of a bearded seal stained for its myosin ATPase activity after exposure to a basic pre-incubation solution. The dark and intermediate fibers are fast-twitch, and the light fibers are slow-twitch.

ResearchJessica Crum