Zoology (BIOL 220)

Course Description

A survey of the major phyla, classes, and orders of animals, with emphasis on basic body plans and organization, development, phylogenetic relationships, and the structure and function of representative organ systems. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: BIOL 150

Course Objectives

This course is designed as an introduction to the structure, function, and physiology of animals. We will study the evolutionary relationships among organisms by comparing and contrasting their adaptive strategies. Our studies will focus on invertebrate and vertebrate organisms. Specific course objectives include:

  • Describe the taxonomic and evolutionary relationships between major groups of animals through features of their anatomy, physiology, development, behavior, and ecology

  • Apply skills in dissection, microscopy, and self-guided learning to develop anatomical and taxonomic knowledge of animals

  • Design and execute a research project involving experimental design, data collection, analysis, and presentation of the results in oral and written forms

  • Discuss how zoology contributes to scientific progress and influences other disciplines both within and outside of the life sciences

Important Resources

Downloads - available beginning August 22, 2023

Required Textbooks

  • Hickman CP, Keen SL, Eisenhour DJ, Larson A, I’Anson H. 2024. Integrative Principles of Zoology. 19th edition. McGraw- Hill Higher Education: New York, NY.

  • Johnson AA, Sutton JK, Moran MD, Knorek S, Dearolf J. 2017. General Zoology Laboratory Directions. 12th edition. Hendrix College: Conway, AR.


  • 8/22/23 - Welcome!

Tutor and Lab Assistants

Peer Learning Sessions

  • TBA

  • Where: The Zoology Lab (D.W. Reynolds 223)

Lab Web Resources

FallJennifer Dearolf